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In my experience the single (not only, just thing hey are worst for) most annoying thing about each groups "worst" fanboys are:

PC: Elitism. Jesus fuck it's terrible. I have been primarily a PC gamer for several years now but i still have an overwhelming urge to punch them in the face.

Nintendo: Completely blind to the quality of Nintendo's own games. They will praise games as the technical, graphical, gameplay, artistic and content pinnacles of gaming regardless to the quality of the actual title.

Sony: Completely blind to the fuck ups of Sony themselves. These people wouldn't notice if Sony turned up and their front door and stole their kidneys. They'd probably congratulate them for the good business choice.

Microsoft: PC + Sony. Blind to MS's own fuck ups and built in with one hell of a superiority complex. Mention PS4 > X1 hardware? Prepare to be murdered. Mention XBL > PSN? You're their best friend. I personally believe MS fans are, on average, slightly better than the other 3, but their worst are THE worst.

These are just how things have been for me over the years, i'm sure others have had different experiences. Fortunately VGC doesn't have many examples of the above three, since they tend to get banned pretty quickly (then make 30 alts).