Euphoria14 said:
Maybe he just spend a lot of time playing games, not saying there is anything wrong with it. He might buy a game, finish it in a week or so and starve for something new. I currently have Watchdogs (Hasn't even gone inside my PS4 yet. Got it as a Fathers Day gift), MLB14 The Show (Only 3 seasons in as I play every single game), Assassin's Creed IV (Only just now got the diving bell) & inFamous Second Son (Still very early in the game). Plus I still have plenty of games from PS+ that I haven't even touched yet. I have a respectable backlog for a console I have only owned for less than a year. I'm satisfied right now. Only looking forward to Destiny, Blooborne & The Order 1886.
No comment on Vita though. This thing is just collecting dust in my basement. I only turn it on to download the PS+ titles so I could always go back to them if need be. Waiting for some RPGs to play or a reason to use remote play with my PS4. |
Yeah I can't fathom why anyone would say PS4 doesn't have enough exclusives and seemingly overlook the X1's current exclusive lineup and multiplatform games.
I myself have Battlefield 4, Infamous: Second Son, Watch Dogs, Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on my PS4 already and will buy The Last Of Us: Remastered, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Grand Theft Auto V, Batman: Arkham Knight, The Order: 1886, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Driveclub when they release. Certainly not having a shortage of games here.
As for Vita, the last game I played on it was God Of War: Collection, and I don't think I'll be using it after this. Really, it had a lot of potential, but the market situation and Sony's financial situation have crippled it.