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Euphoria14 said:
Ucell said:

Atleast its better than X1 which has only two exclusives right now. Also its not as if you didn't know PS4's exclusive lineup (or lack thereof) for 2014. You should have waited before buying it in that case.

Meanwhile, many of us PS4 owners are very satisfied with our purchases, though the Vita, as you said, has failed to live up to my expectations. I bought it near launch expecting an exclusive God Of War and GTA game for it, but I know it was my fault for having bought it for 2 games which weren't even confirmed. I am not complaining now, atleast.

Maybe he just spend a lot of time playing games, not saying there is anything wrong with it. He might buy a game, finish it in a week or so and starve for something new.

I currently have Watchdogs (Hasn't even gone inside my PS4 yet. Got it as a Fathers Day gift), MLB14 The Show (Only 3 seasons in as I play every single game), Assassin's Creed IV (Only just now got the diving bell) & inFamous Second Son (Still very early in the game). Plus I still have plenty of games from PS+ that I haven't even touched yet. I have a respectable backlog for a console I have only owned for less than a year.

I'm satisfied right now. Only looking forward to Destiny, Blooborne & The Order 1886.


No comment on Vita though. This thing is just collecting dust in my basement. I only turn it on to download the PS+ titles so I could always go back to them if need be. Waiting for some RPGs to play or a reason to use remote play with my PS4.

Yeah I can't fathom why anyone would say PS4 doesn't have enough exclusives and seemingly overlook the X1's current exclusive lineup and multiplatform games.

I myself have Battlefield 4, Infamous: Second Son, Watch Dogs, Tomb Raider and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag on my PS4 already and will buy The Last Of Us: Remastered, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Grand Theft Auto V, Batman: Arkham Knight, The Order: 1886, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Driveclub when they release. Certainly not having a shortage of games here.

As for Vita, the last game I played on it was God Of War: Collection, and I don't think I'll be using it after this. Really, it had a lot of potential, but the market situation and Sony's financial situation have crippled it.