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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Pristine20 said:
My problem with Sony's approach is simple: I did not buy a ps4 to play indie games and I suspect that most who made the purchase feel the same way. When I see them spending so much time on indies, I just feel like it's bandaid to hide the fact that they are lacking games. IMO these sorts of games are better suited for mobile and handhelds not home consoles.

Hopefully these indie devs will improve to bigger and better things over time because right now I just have no interest in their stuff.

Sony can neither rush its third parties nor its first-parties.

As of now, You either get nothing or you get indie games.

At the very least they are filling the void, rather than just leaving it open.

I agree with you however, don't you think the console was somewhat rushed in that case? Consoles should be released when they have games close to market not when they have nothing even planned yet. I however do realize that they needed to rush to setup the strategy was necessary to best the competition. I just wish that the whole company had gotten with the program early.

For an example, what if the last of us had been developed for PS4 or at the very least PS3+4 from the get go? What of GT6? See, things could have easily been somewhat different even with just their 1st party.

More power to those who do love the indies though. They are just not the reason I bought a next-gen console.

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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler