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I can't believe how many people here are wasting time beating a dead horse! Look, the game is being's done, people. Love it or hate it, game devs are going to remaster the most popular games from last gen, add in the DLC and try to resell the game! I am going to buy it, as I haven't played it yet, and it makes more sense to buy the PS4 version WITH all of the DLC.

All that being said, it's going to sell reasonably well...enough copies WILL be sold to justify the investment in time and manpower that Naughty Dog put into it.

Is it going to change the world? No. Is it going to sell more than COD or Destiny? No. But it doesn't HAVE to. It just needs to recoup the development costs...and it's going to do that and more.

So quit arguing about it. Don't like the game? Or the concept of remastered games? Great. Don't buy it. Like the game? Haven't played it? Or just want to play a newer, better version of the game you love? Great. Buy it. Argument over.