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phaedruss said:

I absolutely agree, Nintendo is good at what they do, but their games aren't overly ambitious or groundbreaking and haven't been for a decade or so.

I agree.  Nintendo has what you could call "safe" franchises.. meaning franchises that are marketable and will sell well.. but nothing in their franchise of late screams ambitious or innovative.  Nintendo consumers basically know what they are going to get with each iteration of SSB, Zelda, DK, MK, SMB, Kirby's, Yoshi, Metroid, etc.. sure sometimes they throw in a new wrinkle or two, but Ninty's formula doesn't change.. the games play the same.  not hating.

OT - Titanfall.. which had so much hype pushed down people's throats from every game media outlet towards the launch date and has basically been super silent 1 month post launch...

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..