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Sometimes, we need to understand the concept of revenue. Unless they can magically obtain revenue lost from home consoles with handheld revenue, it'll NEVER happen, not even a DS like phenomenon alone could make up for lost console revenue on consoles, a dock won't make up for it either, as it will likely fail. The reasons for why Nintendo's home console business has been declining has much to do with their ways of managing those decisions they make in launching a home console. If they start making better decisions, they'll be fine, otherwise they won't improve. They aren't on a decline simply because they're Nintendo.

This idea of developing only for handhelds exclusively and on competitors home consoles has become beyond ridiculous. Nintendo would NEVER want to have to pay royalties to the competitors, plus they'll likely suffer at the hands of other consoles' hardware. Nintendo designs their own hardware, and they only need to stick to that. Imagine this, they're having a hard time with their own hardware now, could you imagine how harder of a time they'll have trying to understand 2 consoles from competitors for development? They'll be in a living hell!