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starcraft said:

As some have said, the most obvious answer is Watch Dogs. Mario Kart 8 seems to have done quite well in terms of sales and quality.  Those games that are most overhyped might not actually be known yet, such as Drive Club, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and the Order...all of which are prime candidates.

As far as sales go, Watch Dogs did deliver and it did started loosing hype since last year so I'm not seeing it ... The Order: 1886 isn't even coming out this year and it's also lost some hype over time too so that's hardly a candidate for overhype. 

kupomogli said:

Goes with the title, not the op, but Zelda U.  One small video with no gameplay and the announcement that it's open world.  Absolutely nothing to hype the game over, yet Nintendo fans being Nintendo fans.  No game is hyped the way Nintendo fans hype Nintendo games and Zelda U really has nothing to be hyped about at this time.

Zelda U isn't even coming out this year either ...