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alabtrosMyster said:
phaedruss said:
I see the point of it in that way, I just don't get people who have played it, and those who have played it several times already, getting excited about a year old port.

I think people who played it and re-playec it are the most likely to want it again, because it will look and play much better, and they get one of the best game again with enhanced visuals... 

For myself, I want to replay it in true HD at 60fps, that will be the "no compromise" edition! Can't wait to see it! And i want the uncharted 2&3 remakes in the same manner!... God of war 3 would be amazing as well... On the top of my head, these are the remasters i would gladly take (along a few new games, new IP or no, I could not care less, as long as the games are good, let the teams do whatever they want).

seriously this! I know it won't happen but if Sony was to Remake Uncharted 1 with improved visuals, 60 fps, 1080p, and upscaled graphics/lighting/ecet.. and then charge me $50 for it.. I would buy it in an instant as would MILLIONS of others. Why? Because it was a game that I LOVED one of my favorites, if I can play it again with lots of enhancments here and there that is someting I would love. $50 bucks? Take it! Uncharted 2 and 3 look SO freaking gorgeous I'm not sure yet if the jump would be as big, but Uncharted 1 looks very dated compared to it's 2 oler siblings. Oh and Red Dead Redemption remastered, oh man I'd buy that in a heart beat! and again, I think millions of others would as well. 

It's totally okay if you think people who re buy the same game are stupid. That is your opinion. You are definitely in the minority opinion and that is okay also. If you don't want it, don't buy it. and believe it or not if you're not gonna buy it, you don't need to tell everyone that. People who are excited about it want to talk to others who are excited about it. So we post about it. You say there is so many other games we should be talking about? Why the heck aren't you posting about those games? Start a new thread about your game you wanna play. The only reason SO many people are in these threads is because SO many people are excited for this game, regardless if it just came out a year ago, regardless if it is the same game with a few upgrades, regardless of any reason that you have. The ONLY reason that matters is the majority of us want it. and we are going to buy it. Why does that make the haters so mad? Is it really going to hurt you to see it succeed? I want to see both sides here and I don't mean to bash the people against it. I've seen some good points both ways. A few of you even made me think, "hmm you're probably right I am paying $50 for a game i beat like 5 times and already played the DLC" ... so why buy it again? Seems frivilous.. But oh well, I want it so I'm gonna get it lol Just like many others.