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SocialistSlayer said:
Aielyn said:
Churches are a special case, because they operate on a non-profit basis. And yes, YOUR religious freedoms go beyond the church... but it does not extend to being forced upon your employees.

Tell me, if I get a job working for a muslim, should they be able to force me to do prayers 5 times daily, facing Mecca? By your reasoning, my refusal to do so impacts upon their religious freedom, rather than being a case of me exercising my own. How is the case of paying for health insurance that covers contraception any different?

They should be able to.  Youre not forced to work for them.  
Unfortunately we don't have a free market

You're not forced to be an American citizen, either. Unfortunately, people can't choose not to work, and there aren't quite enough jobs to go around, so what you're basically saying is that, if people don't want to be forced to live by their employer's religious beliefs, then they should just go into poverty.

It's not like we're talking about high income employees who can easily afford to pay the costs of these things. We're talking about people working at minimum wage, who are barely able to make ends meet, and who need things like proper healthcare coverage but can't afford to pay the kinds of costs Americans have to put up with (Australia's healthcare is significantly cheaper, in part thanks to public health insurance for all).