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New to the forum here, I won't even put an avatar for now.

But man, I can't really understand the hate on the internet. What's so hard to understand that people WANT this game on PS4? If you don't like or don't want it, just don't buy it.

What if the game is a year old? Does this makes the game bad? Of course not. It's a 1080p/60fps+DLC remaster of a masterpiece. If I had not bought the game for PS3, I would certainly buy this since it's a much better version. People are waiting for this game as they are for GTA V which is also very recent.

I have this strong guess that people who are criticizing are actually Xbox or Nintendo fans who really hates the fact that PS4 is way ahead at sales. Really, dudes? Just grown up, people. I have a Vita and don't post things like "3DS is so shit. It has Ocarina of Time remake and Starfox remake!".

For the last time, you can think the decision is stupid for your own personal 'reasons', but you CAN NOT BAN PEOPLE FROM BUYING. Haters and fans have this wrong idea that they are actually Sony's CEOs, but they are just consumers. You need the humility to put yourself in your places.

3DS, Wii, PSP, Vita, PS2, PS3, PS4 & Steam.