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steverhcp02 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
steverhcp02 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:

So assuming PS3 had no indie games, you think we wouldnt get 2 AAA's?

lower budget game =/= diversity.

I dont think it, I know it and I will use this post to show you why we arent losing out on AAA high budget games because of indie titles. Thats like saying the vita doesnt sell and PS3 is last gen so if we didnt get PS3 games and vita games we would just get 7 PS4 games a month which is ludicrous. There is no precedent to what youre complainign about. You would have a somewhat arguable stance if we had multiple AAA games and then all of a sudden the "indie boom" came and they were taken away. PSPlus has done nothing but add highly rated high budget games more frequently as time has gone on. It took nearly a full year to get the first non downloadable game to PSPlus so if we actually use facts your argument looks even more ridiculous. As Indies have been introduced we have seen more frequent, higher rated games coming to PSPlus, not a decreased amount.

If we use E3 2013 as the "playstation indie boom" we see: Deus Ex, LBPKarting, Uncharted 3, Hitman, Kingdoms of Amalur, Grid 2, Borderlands 2, DMC, Bioshock Infinite, Metro last light, Payday 2, Tomb Raider, Batman Arkham City, Castle of Illusion, Pro Evo 2014, Sly Cooper, Puppeteer, NBA2k14 and Dead Space 3

All of the above in 1 year

Pror to this "indie boom that took away am ma gamez" we had: sleeping dogs, demons souls, darksiders, bioshock 2, Payday 1, borderlands, LBP2, Infamous 2, Saints row 2, Just cause 2,  far cry 2, tomb raider, underworld, warhammer, ratchet and clank all 4 one

All of these titles in the span of the previous 3 years, with literally 6 of them coinciding with E3 2012 as a special promotion of summer and Infamous 2, LBP2 and Ratchet and Clank all 4 one lasting 7 days.

Diversity = variety. Monetary production value has no relevence to variety. Youre literally complaining about being given extra things as an option. Its quite ridiculous. Especially considering we have received arguably better quality games in the last year than the previous 3 combined and factually more games in the last year that are boxed "high production" games than the previous 3 years combined.

Again, you literally have no valid point to any of your arguments. In fact when PSPlus came out it originally including vast amounts of PSMini games. Remember those? Maybe not, we stopped gettign them with PSPlus in 2012 right about when we STARTED getting high budget games. Which is the exact opposite thing youre arguing.

Then why did you bring it up?

So you agree with me that varity can exist among AAA games.

I do have a valid point. The valid point is before we used to get upto 3 AAA PS3 games, now we get 1 AAA and 1 indie.... you still havent disproved that.

I dont even know where to start. I didnt bring up "budget" you were the first one to use that word and discuss the production cost of games. I responded to your post about low budget =/= diversity which is completely ricidulous and unfounded. diversity is simply variety IE: getting 3 genres of games regardless of their status as indie rather than 2.


Variety does exist amongst AAA games the problem is youre argueing as if we used to get 3 AAA games a month prior to the "indie boom" and thats simply not true. We are simply getting MORE GAMES youre not gettign less of the AAA youre still getting MORE OF THOSE TOO


@ the bolded yes i did matter of factly disprove that. I listed to you all the games that could be considered "AAA" and the amount that plus subsribers received in the 3 years prior to the "indie boom" is less than what has been offered since on the PS3 which is a fact and the quality of the aforementioned games, one could argue has also gone up as well. Do the math, we had less AAA boxed retail games in 3 years prior to the boom than the single year following. So take the total, divide by 36 months do the same for the last year, divide by 12 months and just step away fromt he computer.

At this point I dont even think you understand what youre complaining about anymore. It like the south park episode "they took r jubs!" you have this strawman fear that "Indie games" have ruined your big name retail PSPlus allocation when It is factually not true and actually the opposite based on the ACTUAL GAMES I HAVE LISTED AND POINTED OUT TO YOU OVER THE LIFESPAN OF PLAYSTATION PLUS.

I never said we are not getting more games now.

Im just saying we are getting more indies now.

I agree that they cant give out AAA's on PS4 right now, but why is the PS3 lineup going downhill because of indies on PS4?

And now that PS+ is compulsory on PS4 and theres people paying for it who were not on PS3, theres no logical argument to suggest that there has to be a trade off, because theres been no trade off for Sony, they are actually gaining more than ever from PS+ now.

I know the games you pointed out, and thats why im dissapointed to see a game like vessel on PS3. If it were not for the games you pointed out (which I already know of and have anyway), it wouldnt be that disappointed, because I wouldnt even have PS+ then.