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1. If third parties were truly biased against Nintendo then couldn't the same be said for how third parties treated SEGA in the past ? Honest to god the biggest motivation in a business is to make profit and the WII U came up short with third parties so I'm not seeing the malicious intent or hard feelings against Nintendo. Ask yourself this question rol ... Why would a third party developer want to hurt their bottom line ? They all know that the only sensible option is to go multi platform unless a port actually turns out to be hurting their margins. Your conjecture that third parties are out to actively sabotage Nintendo sounds like some unfounded conspiracy theory seeing as how third parties were still sensible enough to support the 3DS.

2. If Nintendo games were always the best games then how come they've had failed consoles before ? Whether you like it or not Nintendo doesn't always develop the best games and they have relied on third party developers before like Rare for the N64 and the developers of Pokemon for Nintendo's Handhelds. There are publishers other than Nintendo like EA or Activision Blizzard who would also be contenders for best game publishers. 

3. Just because Playstation has an advantage in Europe and especially Japan doesn't mean that the Xbox brand didn't have a decent advantage in america which is the most relevant market out of the three so those adanvtanges cancel each other out for the most part. I do believe that the Xbox One would have had the chance if Microsoft didn't screw up but that's not related at all as to why Nintendo shouldn't support third parties. Consumers in general don't favour one corporation's brand over another but rather they buy what they think is the best products.

Don't get me wrong I agree that Nintendo shouldn't be the ones sticking up for third parties but your points are being overly critical about them for the most part.