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Completely disagree. Indie games need to take over completely. While its true that quality control seems to be somewhat bad, it's actually not nearly as bad as it used to be. Everyone should be able to look up reviews for these indie games these days. Finding the good ones is nowhere near as hard as it was back in the SNES days. I remember I didn't even know what genre the game I was getting was back in those days. I just kept renting a game every week, then buying the ones I really liked. If a developer wants to shoot their reputation in the foot, then let them. Its no skin off my back, I just won't play his games anymore.

Not to mention that these triple A games are just horrible. They are getting more generic, and profit mongering in them has been getting awful. I have stopped buying games from major publishers altogether because of things like "Games for Windows" and "DLC" and "Exclusive Content" and "Locked on Disc Content". Those exist because games cost too much money. We are seeing an indie boom because the vast majority of people realize, these graphics aren't so impressive as to make me put up with the aforementioned "features".

What we need is for the PS5 and the Xbox Whatever to take a page from Nintendo's book and tone down the power increase of their next consoles. All we are gonna see at this rate is less games, more BS, and less fun.