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Tamron said:
Vasto said:

No thanks, this has been discussed everwhere so you belive what you want to belive. Nvidia is getting beat by AMD in every way becuase they are not better. $1000 Titan beat by a $600 R9. Sony and Microsoft choosing AMD over Nvidia because AMD is better. Nvidia having to change their entire pricing model of their cards to compete with AMD.

Always listen to the people.

Titan is intended as an in between for gaming and cuda development, does the R9 beat a 780TI? no. does the R9 295X2, a $1500 (R9 290X sli) card, beat sli 780TI ($1260 setup)? nope.

Always listen to the people you say, yet in the comments of the very article you posted we see:

""Watch Dogs can use 3+ GB of RAM on [next-gen] consoles for graphics,"
Has someone told this fool that even 6GB 780s are stuttering? BTW my 2GB 670 has 0 stutter on Ultra....its your game, FIX IT!

Last i checked the 6GB 780 by EVGA was an Nvidia card, and the 2GB 670 was an Nvidia card, and yet theres a vast difference between the performance on both even though the 780 should be much faster?, so, whats your explanation here buddy?

Don't even get my started on the situation with AMD hand-picking cards that ran well when they first released the R9 290X, sending them to reviewers KNOWING FULL WELL that most of the end users would not be able to reach the speeds the reviewers were getting., but for the sake of the argument, lets highlight just how big of a difference between press boards and retail boards there was.

"The craziness, then, is that my R9 290 press board is typically faster than my R9 290X retail card."

And you think a poll on vgchartz with sub 300 votes is a good source of information?

How about we use Steam's hardware survey instead? I'd much rather believe a PC gaming platforms stats than a forum focused towards games consoles, when it comes to pc hardware usage. Have fun trying to claim it's wrong :)

PC Video card usage by mfg

December 2012 - May 2014
Nvidia - 52.43%
Intel 0 16.48%
ATI - 30.76%

Stop just stop! You've used too many facts for them to comprehend!