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osed125 said:

First let me make something clear, I have nothing against indie games, some of them are really good and show a lot of potential, however the amount of indie games we are getting on consoles (and PC as well) is just getting ridiculous…

During last gen, the beauty (for lack of a better word) of indie games was that in the vast amount of "generic shooters" and lack of overall creativity in AAA games those indie games shined, but now when you see lists of "upcoming games for X console" and basically 90% are indie games…it has become the other way around. 

This doesn't mean that during the previous gen we had less indie games, the point here is that because AAA games are so expensive and take a lot of time to make, we will see less and less big games coming frequently, therefore, companies have to start marketing indie games, to make the "illusion" that their console have tons of games, when in reality most of them are mediocre.

One of the reasons "hardcore gamers" complain so much about smartphone is because the app store and google play are filled with mediocre/shovelware games, but slowly consoles will become no different…and is not like console manufactures have any other options, when 3rd parties can only make a few AAA games a year and your own studios can at best make 1 game every 2 years then indie games are basically your only option of saying "hey look at all this games we have available on our system!".

I mean I really don't see any other option.  Keep in mind that some "Indie" games look and play like AAA games.  Chivalry is an excellent example of this (And should totally come to PS4).