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Euphoria14 said:
osed125 said:

We'll have to wait to make sure of that, but so far, I don't see that happening.

How many very successful indie developers from last gen (Bastion, Super Meat Boy, Braid, etc) started to make "AA" games? I honestly can't think of any, the games they made afterwards are still considered indie, and honestly I don't see that changing because either the risks are too high (they would rather still make small games and avoid the chances of their mid tiers being a flop), or they simple don't have the cash to make "AA" games.

It will take more time before a small company like those dump $10-$20 million into a project that could totally destroy them. Also, what is wrong with Transistor? Games like that are great.

Hell, we need more games like Castle Crashers too.

Give it more time. Everything takes time.

There's nothing wrong with Transistor (I haven't played it but it looks good), but it still is a small game, and not the mid tier people are asking.

Nintendo and PC gamer