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Euphoria14 said:
osed125 said:
Euphoria14 said:
You gotta also love how so many here loved the Wii, yet it was full of crap games like they bitch about with the app store or Indie scene.

People just like to pretend consoles have been immune to low quality titles being released on them.

I think you missed the part where I said that the we have the same amount of indie games compared to last gen, the difference is that now they are getting marketed (heavily) by all 3 console manufactures.

You are one person, so you are obviously not part of the group I was talking about.

Still, there is no problem in indie titles getting marketing to help them make sales.

You want more mid tier games? Where do you think they are going to come from? Growing indie companies, rather than focusing on only the fat cats and making them fatter.

We'll have to wait to make sure of that, but so far, I don't see that happening.

How many very successful indie developers from last gen (Bastion, Super Meat Boy, Braid, etc) started to make "AA" games? I honestly can't think of any, the games they made afterwards are still considered indie, and honestly I don't see that changing because either the risks are too high (they would rather still make small games and avoid the chances of their mid tiers being a flop), or they simple don't have the cash to make "AA" games.

Nintendo and PC gamer