Raziel123 said:
Kinect, voice commands, app switching - Huge No, big no and no Resume games - never felt the need and i doubt i'll use it when PS4 has it Twitch - this would be the only thing i'd remotely call an advantage but only if I used my consoles in the living room; i don't, so I don't need it. Not to mention PS4's PS live has the interact feature which is better and something that you can't actually do on any other twitch-able device battery life - Batteries? No thanks Frequent updates - that's a big disadvantage. i'm already annoyed with PS4's updates, the less the better. Exclusives - Only interesting one is Sunset Overdrive, not enough. I have a gaming PC and i use all my gaming devices on the same exact place and display/monitor, so "console exclusives" and things that i'd prefer to do on a PC instead of a console will never sway me towards a XB1. |
Try to see it from somebody else's point of view. I'll admit that some of these are kind of a strectch but, for me, a few (not all) are pretty nice and the reason my Xbox One gets more use than my PS4. You can't just "No" and "No thanks" everything as if they don't exist. One has 'em and one dosen't. Just like the PS4 has some features the One doesn't.