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It's hard to blame Sony for the lack of Japanese game, when about every Japanese 3rd party studio seems to have stopped making games for console. Sony will never compensate the lack of Japanese games from SE, Capcom, Konami, Sega, etc. They can't compensate the fall of sales in Japan, the population getting old, the lack of interest, and the rise of mobile games. And we can blame them for that, but it also a general trend for Japanese studio, their Team ICO, SCEJ are loosing badly to western studios. The team ICO can't even make one game for an entire generation.

As for smartphone application revenue, Japan is number one :
And it's just for store app (iphone and android), it does not include the still very massive market for "social games" (web app) on mobage and gree platforms that you can access only from smartphone and Japanese phone (feature phone). And it does not include other platforms like Line.