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it's hard to believe you're really a Nintendo fan. If you were you would be accustomed to them changing controllers with each system and adapt to that. Your claim that the Wii U doesn't have any games is baseless, I won't bother to name all the highly rated games. You're not stupid and neither is anyone else on this site. Heavy tablet, nope. Baseless as well. Tablet less Wii U is never going to happen. If you don't like the gamepad most games can use the pro controller even Mario and Zelda. The Wii U is not overpriced people are just cheap. All these free apps and Steam sells have people undervaluing technology and games in general. 200 can by you a decent tablet but not a game machine worth owning. Pony up and by a Wii U and you'll see how awesome it is. Or play something else, but the assertions that it's not worth owning or overpriced is incorrect.