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As someone living here, I don't see it as abandoning, Japan is a shrinking market for home consoles and handhelds are also on the decline, putting japan first would be detrimental to the success of the ps4, as it stands its only been out a few months here but nothing really japan centric has been released, yet. that will change over time as launch windowd are usually devoid of titles for all systems.
on the other hand the wealth of ps3 and psvita titles released and for sale here contradicts your argunent entirely, Sony hasn't abandoned japan, it has just done the intelligent move to put a much larger, better receptive country in priority to ensure an early success, all signs suggest that has worked fine.

To be accurate, i would say, Sony hasn't abandoned Japan, it has just made it less of a focus because Japan is quantifiably abandoning console gaming as a whole.


Why are they abandoning traditional consoles in Japan?  the one true,  correct and accurate answer is smartphones.