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vivster said:
Devil_Survivor said:
June 26th,

U.S. vs. Germany- Tie 0-0 -the thing about this game is both teams only need a tie to get into the group stage and its a so called nightmare scenario for Fifa as both may just sit back and not play at all like has happen before.
Portugal vs. Ghana- winner 2-1 Portugal
South Korea vs. Belgium- winner Belgium 3-0
Algeria vs. Russia- winner Russia 2-0

Not gonna happen. There is a lot of honor involved in this match. It's Löw vs 2 previous head coaches of Germany. Löw and Klinsmann
have kind of a special bond since Löw is former assistant coach behind Klinsmann. They are friends and that's exactly why both will go at full force.

US has a bit more at stake here so they have to do even more.

Ok prediction changed :).