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Factor 5 also could have made LAIR awesome, but they didn't.

Factor 5 makes great graphics and flight sims, but Starfox isn't really a flight sim so much as it is a shooter. It was Adventures' and Assault's departure from that shooter element that acted against the series. what Starfox needs is someone to bring it back to the focus of what initially was "Starfox". The series needs steered back on path before the thought of lending it out to another third party developer should ever be considered.

Rare and Namco's vision of Starfox hindered the series success on the Gamecube. And since Factor 5 isn't a second party developer (like Rare was at the time) or a major third party developer (like Namco is) I see no reason why Nintendo would lend out a first party title to a relatively small-time western third party developer. Last generation, Nintendo was desperate to earn the trust of major third party developers so major franchises like F-Zero were lent to Sega (F-Zero AX & GX), Zelda to Capcom (Link to the Past GBA & Minish Cap) and Starfox to Namco (Starfox: Assault).

Since rumor has it Factor 5 is involved in Kid Icarus and even then I have to question why they would be involved with any first party Nintendo franchise, I see no reason why they should be anticipated as anything more than an outlier possibility.