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They have since addressed the issue at hand.

Update #1 Jun 25 2014

Massive First Update:

This will probably be the longest update that we'll post, but we feel that it's needed :). Thank you all for the incredible amount of support that you've given us, and thanks to everyone who has commented on our Kickstarter, Facebook and Twitter so far. We want to clarify a couple of things, with the first thing being the history of West Games.

As most of you know, a studio called GSC game world existed until 2011 and they were responsible for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. After GSC dissolved, 2 new studios formed that consisted of former S.T.AL.K.E.R. employees: Vostok Games and 4A games. In 2013, a new company formed called West games, which consists of many former senior staff members from the now dissolved GSC Game World.

Since then we've expanded (check out the “Our Core Team” section) and have been working on a project that you all know as Areal. Areal is based on a book of the same name written by Tarmashev ( And now we're at present day and handling the launch of our Kickstarter (Ievgeniia and our PR guys have been a big help with that).

Now that our mini history lesson is out of the way, we can move on to other things! Regarding in-game footage, we have worked on various engines to thoroughly examine as well as learn about how different technologies and resources work. This development process is what we tried to convey in our trailer. Doing this allows us to maximize frame-rate and graphical fidelity in our game.

Many people have asked if our focus will be on single player and if having a multiplayer mode will affect that focus. We can without a doubt say that single player and story is the number one priority for our game. Multiplayer will be added if we reach 500,000 dollars in funding, but we will make sure that it doesn't affect the quality of single player.

PC aficionados are also worried that our game will be watered down to look the same as on consoles. This will never be the case, and graphical fidelity will not be sacrificed in any way because of consoles.

Thanks again for all your support! We're sure that we will surpass our Kickstarter goal if we keep going like this. I am also going to be doing an Ask me Anything later this week on reddit, so keep an eye out and ask me anything there. Future updates will be posted frequently, and will partially serve as answers to the mayhem that is the comments section ;).

Check out the news articles about us:

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and go to our website:

--Eugene Kim

Founder of West Games

Update #2 Jun 25 2014

Addressing Vostok Games

We have contacted Vostok Games about their supposed claim that we are fraudulent. They say that they have no relation to that claim and have since deleted the forum topic ( wherein a moderator accused us of being fake. The Kickstarter comments section has been completely hijacked by a couple of people, and even if we comment there, our posts will be ignored and buried. Misery LTD in particular is developing another post apocalyptic video game and is stirring controversy to attract people to his Kickstarter project. I hope that you, our supporters, can see through this deliberate negativity and help us make an awesome game with Areal. Update 2 is coming later today, and will clarify things even further.

--Eugene Kim

They're going to post a video update tomorrow with their entire team (as they are right now) guessing to further address the accusations head on.