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Squeezol said:
Why would you first sell your Wii U and then save up for a PS4? Now you can't play many games..


Not in my eyes. The tech is so inferior they might as well just have stuck with the Wii for this Gen, not to mention they're still too lazy to make their systems more accessible.

Even then, I was tempted to buy the Wii U for the new Zelda game and Mario Kart but when I found out that Nintendo is stupid enough to make things so inconveinyet for us by making us have to suffer through buying so many different controllers just to play backwards compatable games, I realized that I don't want to spend money on a system with few good games and a bleack future. The way Nintendo handles their systems when it comes to internet, controllers, friend lists, ect shows me that their not in it for the long haul this gen. They came into this gen thinking that they could get away with this crap after the luck they had with the Wii but i'm not making the same mistake over again.

Nintendo has so much potential but stupid mistakes are holding them back. For example, I'm a big fan of Mario Pary and was planning on buying the Wii version so that I could play it on my new Wii U which I planned to buy(Forgot which version of Mario Party it was). I was about to purchase it but then I realized that the only way I could play it on the Wii u is if I used that stupid Nunchuck because Nintendo was too lazy to figure out a way to allow the same games that are playable on the Wii with a gamecube controller the ability to play with a gamecube controller on the Wii U as well. You can't even use the new GC controller made for the Wii U either. SO basically they want me to buy about three different sets of controllers just so that I can play Wii, Wii U and Gamecube games. This is ridiculous.

Not only that, but that old version of Mario Pary doesn't even have Online Multiplayer?!!! How sad is that? You have the perfect game for online multiplayer and yet it isn't even an option. So what did I do next? I looked a the Wii U version of Mario Party thinking that there was no way Nintendo is this behind times to not include online multiplayer in the Wii U version that's coming out.  I mean, it is 2014 after all. And what do you know? They didn't include it. Instead they decided to send out another Mario Pary game that's perfect for online multiplayer because they know that its a quick money grabber. They don't want to put in the effort to actually do something new with this seris and make it as fun as possible by addin online features. Who the hell wants to play this game by themselve? It's hard finding four poeple who are willing to sit down and play games like this these days.

This is why I say the Wii U is a last Gen console. Nintendo once again banked on gimmicks instead of creating a quality consoles and the sad thing is they will always get sales because their are so many loyal Nintendo fans.

Edit: Sorry for the double post