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I am thinking that its drop will be very minor. Why? Because SSBB is a casual game that happens to have a Massive core following. I think a similiar game to this would be Pokemon, maybe GTA. The reason we saw such a HUGE drop is because Nintendo sent enough supply, so everyone who wanted Brawl day one got it(unlike in Japan where it was sold out for about 10 days, which is why the drop was less significant there). Now, the word of mouth is trickling through(I have never heard bad word of mouth from anyone where I go to college.. even my PS3 fanboy friend comes to my dorm room to play Brawl everyday) and Nintendo appears to be shipping more Wii's.

I also expect a little phenomena to kick in sooner or later(by May, brawl give alot of play time)... I we are going to see suddenly elevated sales level for the Wii quality traditional games(TP, MP3, SMG, RE4, UC). The people who are picking up Wii as we speak are going to desire games they can play on their Wii when no one is around to play Brawl with.... but this is an asside back on topic.....

 Opening week was 1.45-1.60, Second week was 350-430k, I am thinking we will see it fall to about 250-300k... Could be as high as 325k if Nintendo stuff casual channels. Which is a very small drop considering how high it started.

I am now ready to be flamed next tuesday night if(slight chance) Brawl sells 225k and all the PS360 fanboy have their moment....

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.