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I think you should compare the RAW number instead of the relative position of individual titles in both lists, by example, killzone:sf sold 1.73 million units, while Titanfall sold 1.87 million units! One is number 1 in its list while the other is number 4... One was ailed as the re-invention of the fps genre, the return of the christ and heavily marketed, the other had a lukewarm reception at best... I would say that given the relative importance of the titles for each platforms, this is pretty good news for the PS4 as it confirms that the strategy of highlighting the better performance of crossplatform titles on the PS4 is a strong incentive for people to buy in on the PS4...


now the other exclusives are not selling that well on the xb1, both Ryse and DR 3 sold less thanKnack... And forza 5 sold less than killzone:SF.


Not only that but the least selling PS4 game in the top 10 sold .93 mil units, that would place it above number 6 on tha xb1 side, that means people buy quite a lot more games on the PS4 DESPITE having about TWICE as many games to choose from in total! 

now the wii u has some pretty amazing number, i would attribute this to the small platform with a couple of really good games factor: these few great games have AMAZING attach rate, the first 3 games sold more than the first 3 on PS4! Amazing considering the number of wii u sold! And it shows how some people just love their nintendo franchises! It may even keep the platform going like the game cube and n64 before it.

now I can't wait for sony to unleash a really big exclusive like uncharted 4 or a grand tourismo game...