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OfficerRaichu15 said:
starcraft said:
cycycychris said:

Really bad numbers for Xbone, I mean really bad. A kinectless bundle did nothing! who knows why the PS4 had a big drop like that. The Wii U kind of sadly low right now, I was hoping to would staying higher for a longer period of time but hopefully the baseline is not far away. 3DS barely holding on. Kind of sad the drop it has had. Vita still doing terrible in the West. I really want to believe these should be very accurate numbers since how long it took to post them.

Also what's up with that random fishing game on the Wii that showed up on the USA chart.

Sales nearly doubled?

I think most people were expecting like over 100k(he most likely thought that too) so he isnt impressed since its not what he predicted but it still doubled

While, technically, it did nearly double. Let's not forget the fact that the announcement of the 399 SKU may have most likely cannibalized the sales of the week prior. Not only padding this week's sales, it also decreased the prior one's making seem like a significant jump. A more accurate comparison would be average weekly sales within the last quarter.