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Innovators/Early adaptors (I guess what people call hardcore/core gamers in this industry) statistically compose around more or less 20% of the total market and, while composing only a minor percent of the total market, these early consumers are known to exert a high influence over the majority market in their purchasing choices. Anyone with the most basic of marketing knowhow will know that it is the influence these early adaptors have which is why creating an early market leadership position is so important. Not the direct "feedback". They should have gotten that from the FGD studies prior to the release of their product.

Gotta love the whole M$ feel-good spin on why they are targeting core gamers, tho.

Tho, to be fair, using this initiative to try and win back market goodwill as well as a means of "smoothening" in future updates that normally may or may not have a negative impact on their brand image (Change Management 101, people are more likely to go along with any hard changes you have to do, even the negative ones, for as long as you give them even the illusion of participation in the decision making process) is actually a damned good idea.