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Zekkyou said:
TheDarkTriforce said:
DerNebel said:

It's not? I mean sure, if chart position are all you're looking at then maybe it's a good week for Nintendo but in actual sales I really don't see how this is a good week.

It's better than in weeks before Mario Kart 8 was released so it's better now and therefore it's not a bad week for Nintendo ;) And the 3DS is on first place and the WiiU does sell better in Japan as the PlayStation 4 ;)

That doesn't make their numbers good, it just means they did slightly less badly. The WiiU has already dropped to half what MK8 boosted it too (and will likley continue to drop), and the 3DS is down from 230k last year to 103k this year. I don't expect Nintendo are pleased.

Funny thing is though Sony's total hardware sales for this week are actually higher than Nintendo's :p Both are still awful.

You are really trying hard to see everything bad ;) The WiiU is selling better now and that's a fact so it's not a bad week for Nintendo, it's getting better for Nintendo :)