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jnemesh said:

Go do your own google search then.  Have fun believing (falsely) that MS is making money on the Xbox.  Enjoy as well watching the brand implode, as it is continuing to sit on store shelves instead of selling.  The proof is in the numbers, and since Jan 1st this year, it has been selling at a dismal pace.

he won't find any to back up his claims.  anything that mentions ms profits mention nothing about xbox.. but it's always lumped together to make it seem like xbox is making money, while in fact the truth is, ms is making money.. xbox is making peanuts if not, nothing at all.  even by division breakdown, you have the other products that prop up xbox, like the tablets and phones, which they will mention as being profitable somewhat, but never anything about the xbox division itself being profitable. even during the 360 era, xbox division was propped by pc games, mediaroom, and windows phones.  Rest assure when you hear that MS's entertainment and devices, or devices and consumer hardware makes/made a profit, xbox folks think it's xbox that profitted, not knowing that xbox made squat; phones, tablets, pc games/software, etc, made the money.  Just listen or read MS's annual financials and you can specifically hear them point out the profit sectors and profit products while clumping xbox to those division(s) without ever mentioning xbox only numbers. 

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..