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Per the Purenews  article:

With the recent news that both Crytek & Capcom could be at the brink (or be already) of financial issues, many fans are wondering who could buy the companies or  the IP’s.

One of the names that is thrown out most, is Microsoft. Not only to it’s needs to add more first party studios to the pool of studios that already have but also to make sure they could get the edge on the Japanese market by purchasing Capcom.

But let’s start with Crytek and then we’ll talk about Capcom shall we?

Would Microsoft benefit a lot from purchasing Crytek itself? Yes, not only because of the games IP but because of the Cry Engine itself.

First of all the Cry Engine would be the most important part of Crytek, if Microsoft had the Cry Engine property themselves they could allow first party developers to have access to the engine free of charge plus it could be a great deal for ID@Xbox developers to join in the program and get free access to the CryEngine.

The Cry Engine subscription services would also provide profit for the company if the prices and services attached to it could be adjust to make it easy for those wishing to buy the license of the engine.

In theory just for the engine itself is already worth buying the company but what about it’s games? Microsoft could accomplish on getting Homefront to become a exclusive to the console. (after Homefront: Revolution or even in this game)

They could even continue or reboot the Crysis franchises, making it exclusive to PC & Xbox. Alongside Crysis and Homefront, there’s a very important IP on the list.. Timesplitters who would definitely bring gamers to the Xbox One.

I could continue explaining on how Crytek would be a benefit for Microsoft but so far the reasons stated above already seem interesting enough, I could even mention Warface as a Xbox One free to play game as well.

But let’s talk about how Capcom would help Microsoft to capture the Japanese Market shall we?

Even though Microsoft is improving the way they deal with the Japanese Market, they’re still missing a important piece which is Japanese developers and it’s games.

Scalebound is a Japanese game from Platinum Games and it looks great no doubt, but so far it seems that it’s a bit far away. By purchasing Capcom not only they could secure IP’s such as Resident Evil & Dead Rising but bring to the Japanese market games done by Japanese developers, games that the Japanese market wants.

The Monster Hunter franchise seems to be popular worlwide isn’t it? Imagine if Microsoft manage to grab the IP.

By being exclusive games to the Xbox One it would help the sales and reputation of the company in the country, it would also improve relationship with the developers there and fans from the West would benefit by having more Japanese games.

Capcom purchase seems to be a win to win to both Microsoft and the fans in the west, as well the improvement of the Xbox brand in Japan.

Contrary to what most people, Microsoft could indeed buy a Japanese company and this would give Microsoft the necessary edge they definitely need in Japan right now.

Source :

It is near the end of the end....