mornelithe said: They sold on PC, Crytek just thought they could make a cash grab on console with a mediocre FPS, just like many many devs during last gen. The folks on PC who played Crysis 1, were pretty satisfied...yeah, the story was mediocre, but the open world and choice of doing things your way, were pretty awesome. And killing people with chickens +1. Your assumptions about PC are pretty much irrelevant, no offense, but no one person here can speak for an entire group of people, and all it sounds like is parroting from an industry that's been obsessed with nickel and diming it's user base to death with closed networks. It has nothing to do with piracy. It has everything to do with them realizing they can give you unfinished games, and sell you the rest of it and increase their profit, and gamer's, generally are too disorganized to do anything about it. And no, the truth about PC, at least among my circle of friends and I, is that once we understand a game has had parts axed from the PC version because it can't be done on console, we ignore it. Plain and simple. When it turns out that parity among all the platforms is of the highest importance to a dev, we go back to whatever game we were playing before. The great thing about PC is, we don't have to buy the new 'shiny' the industry wants to force feed us. I just go back to games like Stalker, which is still one of my favorite franchises of all time, and has a very, very loyal mod base that keeps bringing new cool stuff either content or texture/graphics updates. Like the Lost Alpha 'mod', which is actually a standalone game (even though I own all 3 games...legally)), built entirely on the 2004 Stalker build that GSC released to the public, in 2009. The mod community basically recreated through pictures and maps, every single map from the series, while adding whole new areas to explore complete with graphical/physics etc.. updates. Now, you can claim to know the minds and intents of every PC Gamer out there, but that's quite obviously not the case (let me know when you get solid numbers on digital downloads, you'd be the first, in the world). Likewise with anyone else who tries to do the same, you don't know them, you don't know me, and you sure as hell don't know my purchasing practices. THAT's just the truth. Btw, here's the location of the legal and free standalone Stalker - Lost Alpha 'mod' |
Look, I sincerely hate getting into pointless highly opinionated arguments simply cause trying to shift a persons opinion is like trying to replace a persons reality with your own.
I will put it this way though, look at the sales of games. Console games sell on average 3-10 times more than their PC counterparts. And Piracy, is higher on PC. These are facts. Just look at a game like the recently released Thief for instance. The 360 version of the game has a torrent with 130 seeds and fewer leechers. Its the 5 highest seeded torrent of the game. The top 4 positions go to the PC version, and number 1 has over 1200 seeds. This is just using one game for as an example. Try it, go to your preferred torrent site, type in the name of any game released in the last 2/3 years as a multiplatform title. You will ALWAYS, find that the PC versions of those games are the most pirated. ALWAYS.
Those are just the numbers I am going by, I don't try or care to act like i know whats in the minds of gamers, but I know for a fcat that a lot of PC gamers are pretentious people. If you aren't one of them then it doesn't apply to you. PC gamers pirate more than they actually buy. And their sense of entitlement is soooooo out of this world that they come up with an excuse for every stupid selfish thing they do.
You and your friends may be the exception, but just have thins in mind, if PC gamers didn't pirate as much as they do, most of the PC centric developers wouldn't need to start looking at consoles as an alternative revenue stream. Look just try it, its very telling when every torrent site you go to, if you look at the top 10-20 torrents for any multplatform game you can think of, The PC version ALWAYS comes in the highest. Its even sadder when you look at PC exlusive games too.