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jimmay said:
Xyrax said:
jimmay said:
Well this thread took a predictable turn. As for the wii and laggy controls, yes the wiimote does lag, i've played 8 different wii's on 8 different t.v.'s round various friends houses and the wiimote is like using a wireless mouse compared to a wired one. It's not a massive difference and most people won't know any different but to players who want the most accurate controls from a game console the wiimote is not the answer.

Even if you are somehow experiencing some IR lag with the pointer, its moot, because dual analog STILL isnt going to match the speed and precision of a freaking pointer anyway. And that was his point, that the dual analog > pointer due to this "lag" he is experiencing. If there is ANY lag at all, it is barely perceptible (unless something is interfering with your hardware) and even in that state its going to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dual analog in terms of speed and accuracy. There is just no way you can compare the two.

Now perhaps the man just doesnt like holding the Wiimote and pointing it at his screen, perhaps thats not as comfortable to him as a traditional controller is. That is fine, but dual analog is not faster and more accurate that a pointer that you can whip about so easily. The wiimote is as accurate and as fast as you can be. The dual analog config just cant touch the pointer in that area. The complete control a human being has over his/her on hand acceleration alone removes any chance that a DA setup can match a pointer.

It would be like doing a powerpoint presentation at work during a meeting, and using a IR light pointer to point to objects from a projector on the wall, then replacing said IR like with a freaking trackball mouse. Due to design the pointer is just going to be superior, period.

Erm nope, dual analog has less lag than the wiimote and is more accurate.

.....erm..what?!? I know that is prolly your opinion, but that isn't fact. That isn't even an educated opinion, that is a "I'm used to this style so therefore that style is better than the so-called improved style" opinion. Have you tried playing RE4 with a PS2 controller, then RE4 with a Wii controller? If not, try it. You will see how much faster and accurate the Wii controller set-up really is. Until then, it's stubborness that is speaking.

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I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)