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I used to sneak behind my girlfriend's back with an ultra hot 19 year old girl. On February 29, I took my secret love out for the last time. I figured, what's the point. She's 19. I'm 31. It could never be more than a fling. Yesterday morning, she calls me. Tells me she wants to spend the day with me. Without thinking, I say yes. This morning, I come to my senses. I tell the girl, I'd like to see her, but I can't be anything more than a friend. Instead of going out with her, I intend to pick my daughter up (from my fiance's parents) , and go see a movie. I swear I had no ulterior motives!! Anyway, I hadn't seen my young lover in a month. On my way to pick up my daughter, the girl flags me down. What's the harm in talking? We park at a closed church parking lot, and I talk to her for about an hour. I wish her the best, and tell her we'll always be cool with each other. Right when I get ready to go, my fiance's DAD drives up, parks beside us, looks at me, and drives away. WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS!? I had no intention of cheating (again). Now, I'm going to be busted for trying to do things right. If I would've went ahead and cheated, I wouldn't have gotten caught. Do I deserve this? What should I do? I'm shitting bricks right now. My fiance gets off of work in four hours. At that time, life as I know it will be over. Where's AoA when I need him?