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Do you believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming (from here on labelled as AGW)?
What are you reasons for believing/disbelieving?
How do you feel about the IPCC?
How do you feel about proponents/opponents to the theory?
What proof can you show one way or the other (Links would be good here)

1. Only slightly (as in 1% of total warming)
2. Just my opinion based on everything I've seen and the history of the Earths climate cycles.
3. 2500 scientists just contributed to it. That just means that 2500 scientists agreed with atleast ONE PART of the whole report. Not the whole thing.
4. Alarmists / Realists
5. Just stuff I've read about the medieval warm period. Search google for it.

I mean, people forget that 10,000 years ago, most of the land in the world was under a thick layer of ice, so of course global warming has happened since then. And thats a good thing.

There was something like 100x more CO2 in the atmosphere when Dinosaurs roamed the earth. What evidence do we have that there were tons of killer hurricanes? Life in general is powered by the heat of the sun. Where do you think more life would survive: The tropics at 120 degrees F, or Antarctica at -40 F ??

Maybe its just because I live in Texas, and we have summer highs of around 105 F, and nobody ever dies. All of the politicians know they will be long dead before the "horrible" consequences of global warming come - if they come at all. The politicians are just using this to get votes. Basically "vote or die in a horrible hurricane or possibly a heat-wave or maybe just a flood."