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kitler53 said:
Intrinsic said:
I am pro-sony and all, but am I the only one that thinks all this "timed exclusive" stuff has to just stop? It does no good for the gamers. If some is going to buy destiny said person is either going to buy a PS4 or already has one. What good does this do selling less of a game to everyone else?

Ah well, guess we have MS to thank for this kinda nonsesne.

i can see why ms and sony do it, competitive advantage.  i can see why activision and ea does it, money.    ..but yeah i agree.


i have a ton of respect for CD Projekt Red right now for this statement:

"We are treating all gamers equally," said Iwinsky. "We'll not deliver exclusive content to any of the platforms, nor will we artificially delay release of the game on any of the platforms because somebody's paying us money for that. It's definitely against our values. We are not doing that."

that is just downright respectable of them and it makes me want to buy their game all the more.


i'm just really, really glad we haven't seen any retailer specific content yet this gen.  that was even more annoying.

Well yah. While being always happy to get more content on our favorite platform, the reality is that is should not be at the expense of other gamers (same platform or not)...

On retailer content: At least with timed DLC you'll eventualy get it but retailer stuff is just plain retarded :( If they stick to comestic stuff I'm fine with it but when it comes to playable content, it is just so frustrating for someone who want to experience everything possible in a game. (like me :))