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MK8 should be slowing down considerably by now and will not have any lasting impact on HW sales either. It was pretty obvious based on the other U titles released that it was only going to sell a small percentage compared to last generation. DK has settled at a little over half a million, compared to over 6 million for the previous console DK. MK 8 will do slightly better percentage wise but it's going to drop off the top 10 by the end of the month and won't rise again without a price cut.

It would be hard to believe that many will go for Smash on Wii U after it's released on the 3DS first, if it means they don't own a Wii U by now. All the "great" software, I'm sure people would have been convinced by now to pick it up so don't believe the hype that Smash is going to do anything meaningful without a price cut. Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors should both release this year and will not move consoles. Nobody is interested in these titles and would not have picked one up for the multiple first party Nintendo games already released.