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Think the quote is taken out of context as it more applies to the entire industry.

That said......there are always ways. MS got exclusivity for Ryse from Crytek and DR3 from Capcom (and kept it off PS4), hired Double Helix to make Killer Instinct, bought out the PS versions of Titanfall, they bought/negotiated exclusivity for Sunset Overdrive, hired Playground games to make Forza Horizon 2.

Until MS's own studios come up with the games, they find a way. So what's Sonys excuse in 2014 with just Infamous and Drive Club???? Compensating with hardware boosts from XB/PS multiplats like Watch Dogs and Destiny? Just seems to me that Sony either poorly planned their release schedule or are allready getting complacent because PS4 is winning.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.