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Aura7541 said:
Rafux said:
Aura7541 said:
Rafux said:
-Linear corridor shooter
-The "cinematic experience" bullshit
-QTEs up the ass, press X to win
-No online
-No Co-op
-Probably last 8 hours and then what?

I was very hyped about The Order until they revealed the gameplay. It really is 2015 Ryse.

Still too early to call. The game is still quite far away from release and there are also Pax Prime, Gamescom, and TGS. I will admit so far, RAD hasn't done much to appease many people's doubts on this game.

Just like Ryse the game is pretty much what you see. I thought it would be Sonys take on the "Gears" formula or some kind of third person view Left for Dead with monsters. But is just some corridor shooter.

RAD did say there are more open areas and alternative outcomes, so no, what we have seen thus far is likely not representative of the final product. Also, Ryse also suffered from severe framerate drops and an atrocious story. From the E3 build, the framerate is stable and the story is already more interesting than that of Ryse. The fact that the half-breeds are not mindless creatures, but rather beasts with human intellect is cool enough. You really need to take a few steps back before making such hasty conclusions.

I really don't care much about story in videogames, all gameplay shown has been very formulaic and "cinematic". Who knows maybe is diferent but so far is not looking good.