Jay70sgamer said:
I don't think people are less interested in Ubisoft 3rd party ..I just think they don't advertise or put much emphasis in the wii u version just look at assasins creed or call of duty ..they have you in a mystery until the last month if it's even coming to the wii u or in commercials they would show every version box art except the wii u and it's being released on the wii u ...if they show more emphasis in the wii u maybe people will buy it more ...like show what it could do with the second screen etc |
not true at all. AC ads shows ALL versions. Ive seenit on billboards. Unless they have exclusve ads (i think with Sony). Same for COD wish people actually did research, MS has had exclusive ads for YEARS. Funny enough doesnt stop PS version from doing good. So clearly ads arent the problem and lets be real. Its 2014 how easy would it be to find out what is released for what system? A click away. So its not the ads, thats a sad excuse.
It comes down to two reasons. People have other consoles besides Wii U( and judging from sales this is likely) so they choose to play on those especially since COD is so MP heavy. OR the Wii U demograph is not that interested. Pick one.