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This guy sums it up nicely

Posted on NeoGAF:

Originally Posted by ChoklitCow

Ok, so I was one of the most critical people when it came to the Wii U (and for good reason). You look at the specs, when it came out, it's lack of features, etc. and it is hard NOT to criticize it. When people would say "next gen has already begun" I would laugh. I've played games nearly my entire life since the NES, and owned a majority of consoles since. Gaming has become one of my only hobbies because of my line of work (24/7 live-in with college students) so I take it more serious now than ever. If I'm not working, I am probably playing a game.

I've been playing with my Wii U for a little over 24-hours now. I know it will take awhile to get a genuine feel for it as this could just be a honeymoon period, but holy cow.

No matter what game I am playing, no matter what feature I am examining...I feel joy. Joy to the point where I am often smiling ear-to-ear. This is something I have not felt in a long, long while while gaming. I don't know when gaming became a chore to me, an endless grind, or a depressing emotional roller coaster, but that seems to be the only type of games I play on PC, Xbox, or PS4. I thought I was immune to toxic MOBA-style behaviors, constant blood and gore, and "adult situations". In fact, I thought that was what I wanted most because I kept purchasing it over and over.

I am absolutely blown away by this recent impromptu purchase. Whether it is the cute Mii emotions at the end of MK8 multiplayer sessions, the amazingly youthful comments scattered by children from across the world in 3D world ( I could read them for hours. Kids love fart jokes), or just everything about Pikmin and the gameplay of the aforementioned games, I am having legitimate, care-free fun. Whereas I'm used to hating everyone in a gaming lobby, I suddenly feel like I want to be everyone's friend and have an endless friends list. Where I usually care about being on top, often raging in my head when a teammate messes up or I screw up, I suddenly do not care about endgame stats. I've lead 2/3 of pretty much every online Mario Kart match I have played only to end up 4th because of the last corner and I couldn't have more fun. All it takes is one "I'M USING TILT CONTROLS" and I'm nearly crying in laughter for some reason.

For all companies, branding is vital to their survival. Nintendo's emphasis on "play" and "fun" I felt were just buzzwords such as "Greatness Awaits". Little did I know that it is very real.

Thanks NeoGAF for another great impulse purchase. Between my Plasma and this, you all continue to stray me in the right decision.