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Bungie had to make sure that the game looks good across all platforms.

Bungie’s Destiny is one of the few AAA games that will be running at 1080p/30fps on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The recent June Xbox One SDK updated helped Bungie to bump up the resolution of the Xbox One version to 1080p. But why did Bungie did not targeted 60fps?

“It’s a lot of different things,” explains Jason Sussman who is the senior environment artist at Bungie. “I could get really technical, but I’d bore you to death. A lot has to do with performance. We’re cross-platform, so we had to be very delicate with all four consoles, making sure they have the same experience, that it looks as good as it possibly can on all these consoles. A lot goes into that, from geometry to textures to post effects to particles to how many players you get on the screen. We’re always balancing that out to make sure everyone gets the same experience,” he said in an interview with Venturebeat

A lot of developers this generation are going for a higher resolution compared to 60fps which makes sense since it will allow them to add more post effects and do more on the screen at any given moment. In fact one of Sony’s own programmers prefers higher resolution than frame rate. Expect this norm to continue this generation.

Destiny will be available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One this Septembe


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