grapenose said: My last system before the WiiU was the original XBOX. Santa brought the WiiU for the family this last year for XMAS (Super Mario/Luigi Bundle). $275 at target. We now have more games for the system then I had when I sold my Xbox that I had for 13 years. All of the games are great and alot of them like Assasins Creed 3, Mass Effect 3, Zombie U, Need for Speed we got off of Amazon for around $10-15 bucks. Got Wii Fit U for Free, Bought Mk8 and got Pikmin for Free. Have a ton of other great games Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Wind Waker, Child of Light, Dr. Luigi, Rayman Legends, Sonic All Stars We also found Mario Galaxy, NBA Jam, Mario Kart Wii, Epic Mickey, Golden Eye, Super Mario, Doneky Kong Country Returns and bunch of other old Wii games on criagslist for cheap. I wasn't a big fan of the Gamepad, but we have house guests this week and I was able to play Child of Light on the game pad while everyone else watched TV. That alone is worth it in my opinion. Very cool feature. I've had a lot of systems in my lifetime Wii U is one of my favorites. Great System.
That's right, Wii U does have a lot if quality cheap third parties! I'll need to make a wish list soon
And I love off screen play too! It's even nice for netflix.