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Third parties had very little confidence in the Wii U coming in and even less now.

Have all the test products been totally fair? No, probably not, but I doubt it would have made much of a difference. Does anyone really think any of these games would have taken off had the ports been equal?

Regardless, it's up to Nintendo to change that. It's their machine. If they want third-parties, they can go out and support them. The templates are out there, it's not like what Sony and Microsoft do are secrets. Business is about creating mutually beneficial relationships and Nintendo has mostly ignored that through much of their history.

You reap what you sow.

If people are serious about Nintendo consoles having third-party support then stop bad-mouthing them and tell Nintendo to get off their asses and start paying attention to the larger picture. It's up to them to make the effort. If they don't want to do that, that's fine too, it's their company, they can do what they want. Make no mistake, though, it's Nintendo's responsibility either way.

If Sony and Microsoft can do it, so can Nintendo. Everything else is just an excuse.