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The Steamboy will sell as good at the vita if even that. I mean... come on, a handheld steam? a program that is 95% internet based and the other 5% being that you can play your games in offline mode.... but think about it. You are not going to have the internet on the go or you at least most likely won't. yes there are some ways to get it but those usually cost quite a bit of money and I doubt people are going to just get up and all flock to that option just to play their... steamboy. Face it, people are not going to buy it. Who will want to have to spend the day before downloading the game they want to play for the car ride to possibly get bored and then want to play something else but can't because they cannot download. Sorry but steam is dreaming if it thinks it will get a bite outof the handheld market. The only way it will work is if it takes cartridges or discs or whatever and gets the people who develope and release on steam to make these so people can play the steam games easier.


spemanig said:

What idiots are voting for the Vita outselling the Gameboy?


I did thinking it was the steamboy. lol But no, the gameboy will be the higher one for sure.