So I did some calculations from the chart cream confirmed was right and the approx angles I got were.
PS4 - 122
3DS - 54
XBO - 47
Wii U - 38
360 - 36
PSV - 35
PS3 - 24
Wii - 4
so knowing that the Wii U is around 60K I did some calculations to find the total so I can find the rest of the numbers, so I got this.
360 = 56.6K
PS3 = 37.9K
Wii = 6.29K
3DS = 84.9K
PSV = 54.9K
Wii U = 60K
XBO = 73.92K
PS4 = 191.81K
Total Hardware = 566K
I did some rounding here and there so the numbers are not totally accurate but it should be around there.