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binary solo said:
Well I came here this late in the piece expecting more than just WiiU numbers. I wonder if we'll get anything. MS might stay quiet if xb one really tanked post the kinectless announcement. They really should have waited until the final Friday in May to announce.

That remains one of the weirdest decisions in console history. Advance notice of a new cheap SKU a month ahead of e3? At the time they said it was due to having too much to show. But in the end it was just multiplats and CG trailers for the most part (to be fair, so was Sony obviously).


Would have had more impact and less self inflicted damage by heavily promoting it at e3 with a free game. "We're happy to announce xb1 is available NOW for $399, and it includes a free digital download of your choice of exclusive Xbox titles!" Boom. That would have been a billion times smarter.