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I've played the Destiny Alpha for two days now, and I've already gone and preordered the game. I went in expecting the Alpha to be buggy and unpolished, but boy was I wrong! It was smooth, and I ran into no hiccups (i.e lag, tearing, etc). The world is amazingly beautiful. Here are some screenshots from my time playing (and this is all just from one of many maps!). Any bluriness is because sharing screenshots from the PS4 compresses the resolution.

The game also has an MMO aspect to it, where you can roam around the main city, buying weapons or accepting contacts while socializing with other players. Suprisingly, this was also amazingly detailed, with the graphical effects better than pretty much every game I've seen on current-gen consoles.

Now what about the gameplay you might ask? No amount of graphical prowess matter if the gameplay sucks. 

Good news. The gameplay is better than any other FPS I've played.

Even at 30 fps in the Alpha (bound to improve by the actual release), I noticed no lag during the gameplay. Silky smooth from my experience, and the gameplay felt very balanced and fun. The maps were amazingly big and varied, and hunting down enemies was a joy.

There was also an abundance of missions. There was the standard "kill enemies and collect a certain item" present throughout all MMOs, but there are also missions were you cooperate with other players to get through a map to fulfill an objective. Other times, you're dropped on a massive map, left on your own to find missions and beat them as you see fit. 

Here's some gameplay from me playing (once again, it lost quite a bit of qualty during the upload process, but you can still see the basic gameplay)-

Overall, this is the most fun I've had on a next-gen console, and I'm greatly looking forward to the beta (and this is coming from someone how generally hates FPS games!)

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

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