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green_sky said:
Samus Aran said:
pokoko said:
Yeah, though the game does look fun. I'm mostly willing to overlook any suspicious reactions because of that.

Still, that's nothing compared to The Devil's Third. I've been shocked at the people saying this game looks good. Had it been a PS3/360 game, the reactions would have been different to an extreme degree. There is no doubt in my mind that some of the people saying it looks interesting now would be blasting it out the water if it weren't a Wii U exclusive. It's just so strange to watch. It's like if people suddenly started raving about Call of Juarez: The Cartel. It's surreal.

What are you talking about? Most people agree Devil's third looks awful. It got eliminated pretty quickly in the Nintendo E3 game elimination thread. 

I would recommend saving your time and not bothering with this dude. Somehow few people became "most" people. 

OT: Of course it is getting more attention because it made by Nintendo. When the best (okay i'll put one of the best) company makes a new ip. It is bound to get people exited. Remember when The Last of Us was unveiled, we were like ehhhh ooookkkkk...zomg Naughty Dog. 

I'm getting sick of your lies and your creepy stalking.  You put "most" in quotes and yet I never said most at all or even hinted at most?  You are a liar.  Go find someone else to obsess over because they have different tastes in video-games.  It's creepy as fuck.